Wind turbine illness cluster: Arkwright NY




Published on Sep 12, 2019

RN Evan Davis testifies at a public hearing, Villenova NY town board, Sept 4, 2019.
Nurse Davis: “In the months following the Arkwright wind project, we’ve had a major increase in referrals with idiopathic vestibular issues, syncope, migraine, seizures, and strokes.”
Davis describes the classic symptoms of infrasound and low frequency noise impacts on many people (and pets and livestock) of Arkwright, NY. Public hearing was for Villenova's Ball Hill Wind: an increase in height to 600 feet of 29 industrial turbines with setbacks from homes of 1200 feet. No other project of similar height has setbacks closer than 3,352 feet. Ball Hill will be the second such monster turbine project in the county. The Chautauqua County Planning Board and the Chautauqua Supreme Court have disapproved the increased height.