SHOCKING: Ukrainian Doctor Bragging About Killing Wounded Civilians and Militiamen in Donbas


Russia Insight


Published on Jun 21, 2016

This is called heroism in Ukraine nowadays…

It’s hard to believe. A doctor who once took a Hippocratic Oath with the main principle “Do no harm” is bragging about killing people of his own country in Donbas on one of the Ukrainian TV channels. He is smiling, he is very proud of what he did and tells to the whole country shocking details of his murders:

“It’s possible to kill a man imperceptibly just using the medication”.

Dr. Alexander Chernov eagerly shares his valuable experience with millions of people just before his professional holiday - The Doctor’s Day. His life credo - “Do as much harm to the enemies (so called ‘separatists’) as you can”. Screw Hippocratic Oath, screw humanity, screw moral principles… Great example to the young Ukrainian doctors is set.

This is not a report from the prison: this man is still working and living freely under Kiev jurisdiction. And, by the way, the Security Service of Ukraine knew about his activity - he informed them on a weekly basis about all his patients.

Sounds completely absurd, doesn’t it? Don’t be fooled, this is just the new norm, a new twisted reality prevailing in Ukraine.

P.S.: Ukranian journalists deleted the video from the channel where it first appeared. It seems as if they decided to get rid of one more report proving violent murders in Donbas...