Schools to Start Depression, Anxiety Screenings = Big $$$ for Big Pharma!


Linc Austin


Published on Feb 1, 2015

The largest school district in Minnesota is considering screening students for depression and anxiety.

This most certainly means that countless more children and teens will be the subject of a parent teacher conference where the district's psychiatrist urges the prescription of an ADHD (or ADD) medication to improve concentration, focus or happiness of the student in question.

While the screenings are supposedly aimed at preventing more student suicides, the establishment fails to inform parents that many child and teen suicides are most likely the result of the same anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications that will be pushed following the new screenings.

WND reported that the screenings are the result of Obama's executive action on gun control following Sandy Hook. Many opponents argue that the goal is to document "mental illness" with as many students as possible, so to later be used as a flag to prevent gun ownership. Many call it a back door attack on the second amendment.

Even if you aren't concerned with the second amendment, you should be concerned about these drugs being forced upon children and teens across America.

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