JF's Livestream #3: New signs of the origins of life? Maybe. Sessions and Russia. What is humor?


Jean-Francois Gariépy


Published on Mar 2, 2017

This is my livestream in which I play some Dota while answering questions and giving you opinions on the news from an absolutely sober perspective.

"1:43" What's your favorite drug?
"2:45" Do you think that Trump will ban marijuana in the U.S.?
"3:34" Discovery of old bacteria fossiles.
"11:15" The emergence of life.
"14:12" Trump administration and Russia.
"17:24" What are the best ways to argue with people who say Evolutionary Psychology is a pseudo-science?
"29:42" What do you think of Gad Saad?
"30:45" Unconventional Egyptian theories.
"34:30" Do you think social sciences have validity ultimately?
"41:35" Memes and culture.
"47:44" Cognitive scientists assuming that behavior is optimal?
"49:14" Is comedy/humor unique to humans?
"57:39" Have you read the Extended Phenotype by Richard Dawkins?
"1:06:04" Would extra-terrestrial beings have humor?
"1:08:10" Tell us the story of how you quit research.
"1:13:20" Have you ever considered being a physicist/chemist?
"1:17:57" What are your deep thoughts on masturbation?
"1:22:03" If you could choose a job in the Trump administration what would it be?
"1:23:20" Is a tricky printer like a sneaky fucker?
"1:24:03" Replicators with high mutation rates and low replication rates.
"1:26:35" The Dota stream is lagging!
"1:27:57" Difference between the brains of normal people vs. geniuses.
"1:29:28" Are you trying to be DP but sober?
"1:30:04" Daniel Tosh, a comedy genius, and the theory of humor as a knowledge contrast.

Some bugs in the Daniel Tosh section around 1:34:00. Jump to 1:36:00 if you want to avoid.

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