Ex-trans begs Canadian politicians to not ban therapy that healed her




Published on Mar 11, 2020

OTTAWA, Ontario, March 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A woman who lived as a man for eleven years before receiving healing has delivered a powerful and direct message to Canadian senators, urging them to vote no to a bill which would make it illegal to advertise or profit from “conversion therapy” aimed at helping LGBT people overcome unwanted sexual conditions.

“Senators of Canada, I would encourage you to vote no on Bill S-202. Without the help of discipleship ministries and counseling, I could not be living in my biological sex healthy and whole,” said KathyGrace Duncan in an exclusive joint video message produced by LifeSiteNews in collaboration with Campaign Life Coalition (CLC).

“I lived as a man for 11 years and I walked out of that 27 years ago. Change is possible, I know, because I have changed,” said Duncan in the video message.

Read full report on LifeSiteNews: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/watch-woman-who-lived-as-man-for-11-years-begs-canadian-politicians-to-not-ban-therapy-that-healed-her

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