68: Protestant YouTube Star Becomes Catholic—Lizzie Estella Reezay




Published on Mar 27, 2018

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She didn’t want to do it.

No way, no how.

Not becoming Catholic.

Lizzie was an established and very popular presence in the “young Protestant dispenses advice to the like-minded” space on YouTube; she grew up in the Church of Christ and imbibed the standard myths about Catholicism. She might pray for Catholics, but become one? Riiiiiight.

Attending Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA, Lizzie began to run into fellow Protestants who were either intensely interested in the Faith or had converted to full membership. Meanwhile, her YouTube channel began to really grow wings. (As of this writing, she has 34,808,077 total views.)

Perhaps wanting to be kind and informative, Lizzie ended up shooting some video commentaries with titles like “Seven Lies Protestants Believe About Catholicism,” and “Questions Protestants Have For Catholics.”

Then she discovered the Church fathers, and, in her revelatory video called (wait for it) “Why I Am Becoming Catholic,” she goes one to explain how the book Upon This Rock by Steve Ray was instrumental in her decision. I grinned audibly. My buddy Steve!

My interview with her, as you’ll see, was a delight. She is direct, candid, and very open about her diagnosis with bipolar disorder. Her journey is about to take a profound leap forward when she enters full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter, 2018.

Pray for this young leader. As an evangelist and content creator for Christ, Lizzie Estella Reezay is going places.

In this interview, you will learn:
How her experience of being immersed in misconceptions of Catholicism led to acceptance of countless errors of fact
Why you can’t be too careful which authors you read…
The one book that supercharged Lizzie’s desire to get to the bottom of The Catholic Thing
How her friends and family reacted to the news of her conversion
Tools in how to, and how not to, reach out to our separated brethren
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Upon This Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church  by Steve Ray
An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis De Sales
Fundamentals of the Faith: Essays in Christian Apologetics  by Peter Kreeft
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