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 Created Aug 10, 2006
 Deleted Oct 28, 2020


Logos Media (formerly Gnostic Media) is the official website and channel of author and researcher, Jan Irvin.

We focus on exposing ancient religions, neo-shamanism, the "New Age", psychedelics or "entheogens" (suggestogens), the degradation of society and family, mind control, politics, the destruction of gender, history, and many other topics. Exposing the "occult" or hidden, and how it works to manipulate society, is key to all our freedom.

Here the trivium method is used to break down and identify primary citations and to seek Truth.

Our mission is to produce multimedia reflecting this knowledge in the form of documentary films, podcasts, books, video blogs, etc.

For more from Logos Media, check out the weekly podcast at:

Joe Rogan - "Irresponsible Advice"


Published Nov 18, 2010