New Zealand Media Smear Conservatives - Link them to Mosque Terror Attack with Zero Evidence


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Jul 14, 2019

In this video we examine how Stuff, a NZ news outlet (which is actually little more than a propaganda arm of the Labour Party) has smeared and thrown the "Far Right" mud at Conservatives and has also despicably linked them to the Christchurch Mosque terror attack with absolutely zero evidence.
We examine why they may have done this and also the very serious fundamental issue behind this which is the current attacks on Free Speech. We finish by reminding viewers how valuable the 1st Amendment in the US is, encouraging them to look up Franklin D Roosevelt's Four Freedoms Speech and by looking at the similarities between what is happening now and what happened in Stalin's USSR.
Anybody anywhere now in the western world who has right of centre views is branded far right by the MSM, politicians and academia.

This has to be challenged or else we face a very dangerous future.

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