The globalists are shutting down our freedoms. They are intent on destroying the nation states.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Apr 22, 2019

All over the west conservative voices are being shut down and branded far right. The left have carted blanche to say what they want while for the same thing conservatives get a police visit, plus ruination by the MSM. I believe this is govt/globalist driven to shut down desent from concerned citizens by branding them as haters, far right, white supremacists etc so as they can enact their globalist vision of a borderless world utopia.
Identity politics takes centre stage as people who aren't of European decent are held to a different standard than them that are.
The govt, MSM, academia and leftist (hate and violence) groups are in cahoots in their fear and intimidation tactics to deplatform and stop all legitimate debate by genuine concerned citizens who are informed of what's happening in the world and fear the problems of western Europe are coming here.
The govt of NZ is bent on mass uncontrolled migration of the third world into this country. And they are rushing rushing through laws that will take away our freedoms to legitimate protest with 'hate laws' designed to make us fear talking openly of our concerns.
Within weeks we have moved into George Orwell's 1984.
With a population of only 5 million New Zealand will be a walkover by a mass of people from alien cultures and alien religious ideologies. This govt is virtue signalling this country to irreversible disaster and making us powerless to even criticize them for fear of jail time.

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