What Cross the Rubicon channel's values are.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Aug 13, 2019

From so many comments on this channel that are not in line with what we believe, I have decided to set the record straight and tell you what we believe in and don't believe in.
I know some will be unhappy with what the contributors to this channel are about, but I feel this needs to be said.
Please take the time to have a listen and understand what this channel is about and what we're trying to achieve.

I did it in one take so you've got warts in all.
But don't hold that against me.

If you like what this channel is trying to achieve then please consider contributing via a donation via PayPal to crosstherub@gmail.com

Please share to all and start talking about the rally in the very near future in Christchurch for the protection of our freedoms of speech and right to offend and right to criticize this govt and Islam.

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