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 Created Mar 14, 2006

The Onion

The Onion is America's Finest News Source.

Onion Digital Studios: The Onion's original entertainment production house. After many years of litigation, its vast library of entertainment holdings has been released onto the internet, making The Onion America's Finest Monetized Video Content Source.

Onion News Network: The Onion's 24-hour cable news operation. The network's style of hard-hitting, on-the-ground coverage of live news events has become a standard in the news industry. Available in 92.2 million U.S. households and more than 500,000 American prison cells, it is the most-watched cable network in the world.

Onion Video: The audiovisual extension of The Onion newspaper. Daily recaps, bonus features, and reporter exclusives are seamlessly integrated with editorial copy, all designed to keep the print industry alive for a precious few more years.