More Covid Test Fraud: Next Chairman Of The BBC Ben in Bristol with Nigel in North London Talk Radio




Published on Oct 20, 2020

More Covid Test Fraud: Next Chairman Of The BBC Ben in Bristol with Nigel in North London Talk Radio

More Covid Test Fraud discussed by Keith outside the Welsh Parliament or Senedd

Coronavirus: Health and safety breaches at testing lab – Exclusive: Health and safety watchdog finds ‘material breaches’ in five areas at coronavrius lab handling 40,000 tests a day – se-labs-safety-whistleblowers-b1041495.html

'Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t':
The PCR proved it's unsuitability for diagnosis (it took, even in 2007, a long time for the article to mention it was the PCR test they used - I was thinking I would need to contact Dr. Herndon to ask, but eventually the article named it.
Interestingly, the F/B 'Fact Checkers' (Censors) mark other links up as 'False News', but they let this NY Times article alone.

'COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless': ly-meaningless/
'False News' as far as F/B Gestapo are concerned.

'The Infectious Myth - Stephen Bustin on Challenges with RT-PCR': n-on-challenges-with-rt-pcr/

'The Truth about PCR Test Kit from the Inventor and Other Experts': nventor-and-other-experts/

'The COVID-19 Test Wasn’t Meant for Detecting Viruses': g-viruses/

'BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA': st-primer-sequence-is-found-in-all-human-dna/

'Homo sapiens chromosome 8, GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly': g$=nuclalign&from=63648346&to=63648363

Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives
20 September 2020
by Dr Michael Yeadon
...When the first (and I think, only) wave of COVID-19 hit the UK, I was with almost everyone else in being very afraid. I’m 60 and in reasonable health, but on learning that I had about a 1% additional risk of perishing if I caught the virus, I discovered I was far from ready to go. So, I wasn’t surprised or angry when the first lockdown arrived. It must have been a very difficult thing to decide. However, before the first three-week period was over, I’d begun to develop an understanding of what was happening. The rate of infection, which has been calculated to have infected well over 100,000 new people every day around the peak, began to fall, and was declining before lockdown. Infection continued to spread out, at an ever-reducing rate and we saw this in the turning point of daily deaths, at a grim press conference each afternoon. We now know that lockdown made no difference at all to the spread of the virus. We can tell this because the interval between catching the virus and, in those who don’t make it, their death is longer than the interval between lockdown and peak daily deaths. There isn’t any controversy about this fact, easily demonstrated, but I’m aware some people like to pretend it was lockdown that turned the pandemic, perhaps to justify the extraordinary price we have all paid to do it. That price wasn’t just economic. It involved avoidable deaths from diseases other than COVID-19, as medical services were restricted, in order to focus on the virus. Some say that lockdown, directly and indirectly, killed as many as the virus. I don’t know. Its not something I’ve sought to learn. But I mention because interventions in all our lives should not be made lightly. Its not only inconvenience, but real suffering, loss of livelihoods, friendships, anchors of huge importance to us all, that are severed by such acts. We need to be certain that the prize is worth the price. While it is uncertain it was, even for the first lockdown, I too supported it, because we did not know what we faced, and frankly, almost everyone else did it, except Sweden. I am now resolutely against further interventions in what I have become convinced is a fruitless attempt to ‘control the virus’. We are, in my opinion – shared by others, some of whom are well placed to assess the situation – closer to the end of the pandemic in terms of deaths, than we are to its middle. I believe we should provide the best protection we can for any vulnerable people, and otherwise cautiously get on with our lives. I think we are all going to get a little more Swedish over time.

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