"Denial" The Deborah Lipstadt Movie - Part 2


CODOH - Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust


Published on Sep 26, 2016

Continuation of a video series posted at http://DenialTheFilm.com

"Denial" The Movie -

Part 2 – The Reader, Deborah Lipstadt slams skeptics while parroting 1.7 million Majdanek dead, and The Majdanek Gas Shower Hoax.

The screenwriter of "Denial", David Hare’s previous Holocaust "Oscar bait" film “The Reader” shows two formerly alleged homicidal gas chambers at Majdanek now officially admitted never to have been used to gas anyone. If he actually knew this, would he be so quick to demonize the Revisionists he helps persecute?

Deborah Lipstadt parrots the phony figure of 1.7 Million Majdanek dead.

Debunking Majdanek’s FIVE embarrassing falsely formerly labelled “homicidal gas chambers.”

The Holocaust "gas chambers disguised as shower rooms" myth's last gasp - gullible tourists are herded the opposite way through Majdanek Bath and Disinfection 1, even through a post-war created structure connecting the bath barracks with clothing fumigation rooms in order to deceive people into believing prisoners were tricked into taking showers before getting gassed. Remnants of Soviet wartime propaganda we must end!

Committee For Open Debate on the Holocaust
The Best Revisionist Book Series in the World
Why Did We Believe in Gas Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms?

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