Jean-Francois Gariépy - Biology of Race: Debunking the "Sceptics" View on Race


Red Ice TV


Published on Jan 3, 2018

Jean-Francois Gariépy is an author, academic, and YouTuber from Sainte-Sophie, Québec, Canada. He holds a PhD in Neuroscience from the Université de Montréal, and is currently studying the molecular mechanisms of the origins of DNA-based life on Earth. He has a YouTube channel that is devoted to questions relating to society, gender, biology, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and internet history. He is the author of the forthcoming book entitled The Revolutionary Phenotype.

We begin the program with Henrik and Jean-Francois discussing the challenges faced by scientists pursuing subjects that are considered taboo by the prevailing politically correct orthodoxy. Jean-Francois states that society has evolved thanks to science, but we live in a current milieu that actively obstructs scientific inquiry. Moreover, we discuss the controversy surrounding a YouTuber, using the alias Kraut, who actively attempted to vilify fellow YouTube personalities with whom he disagreed. Kraut, along with a cadre of like-minded provocateurs, was preparing to prosecute a comprehensive doxing campaign against those he perceived as ideological enemies on the Right. Henrik and Jean-Francois discuss the rationale behind such an aggressive course of action. The radical Left has attempted to silence those on the Right who have employed intelligent, coherent arguments.

The discussion segues to the censorship of YouTube content produced by Jared Taylor, Red Ice Tv, and others because of Leftist smear campaigns and censorious corporate policy. Henrik and Jean-Francois speak to the toxic climate fomented by Leftist moralizing; and the problematic nature of conflating the pursuit of scientific facts with possible moral dilemmas of the future. The conversation then delves into the use of violence, and the arguments made to justify committing violent acts within a context of philosophical disagreement. We go on to address the rhetorical styles employed by Antifa to pillory those on the Right such as attributing false intent. The program also delves into the problem of multiculturalism, Quebec nationalism, demographics, the migrant invasion of Europe from a biological perspective, DNA, RNA, artificial intelligence, the perils of human DNA manipulation, and much more.

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