Tucker Carlson tonight 12/22/17 "The Racist Trees Debate" Larry Elder Nails It

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Published on Dec 23, 2017

When you think of racism in America, what political party do you think of? 99 percent of Americans would say it’s the Republican Party and they would be wrong.

Liberals and Democrats aren’t real good at history but they are great at revisionist history. The history of slavery and racism in America is the history of the Democratic Party. Every state below the Mason Dixon line was referred to as the Solid South by the Democrats. The South voted Democratic for almost two hundred years. Here’s a short list of the real history concerning the Democratic Party and racism.

• 1857, Supreme Court votes seven (Democrats) to two (Republicans) in the Dred Scott Case ruling that black slaves are property

• Civil War was started by Southern Democrats

• John Wilkes Booth, Democrat, assassinated Abraham Lincoln

• Lincoln’s VP, Andrew Johnson, Democrat who ran with Lincoln on the National Union ticket, was bitterly opposed to Reconstruction.

• Democrats opposed the 13th Amendment (abolishing slavery), 14th Amendment (giving former slaves citizenship) and 15th Amendment (prohibits the use of race, color or previous condition of servitude in determining which citizens may vote). The Amendments passed because of solid Republican support.

• KKK founded by Southern Democrats

• Black Zones, Pole Taxes, Jim Crow laws passed by Southern Democrats

• President Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, ordered the segregation of many government agencies.

• The first movie ever shown at the White House was during Wilson’s term in office — the racist movie “Birth of a Nation,” previously titled “The Clansman.”

• Southern Democrats attacked civil rights activities with firehoses, night sticks and dogs

• Attempts to block integration of Southern schools with police at school doors were ordered by Democratic officials.

• Democrats attempted to filibuster the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

• Civil War Monuments that Democrats want torn down were put up by Southern Democrats

• Southern Democrats urged Lyndon Johnson to veto the Civil Rights Act.

Up until Roosevelt’s New Deal, African Americans voted overwhelmingly Republican. That is when Democrats started buying their votes with other people’s money. But the 1964 Civil Rights Act created a real problem for the Democrats. They weren’t about to lose control over African Americans. So they instituted forms of institutional slavery.

Democrats created a massive welfare program that decimated African-American families, trapping them in a vicious economic cycle; created an education system that denies school choices and pursued politically correct policing policies, resulting in a high black on black crime rate.

Democrats use racism as a political weapon against everything they are opposed to, fabricating racism where none exists. And worst of all, ignore their own racism while accusing others of the very thing they have engaged in for hundreds of years.

So can anyone list the racist policies of the Republican Party? Note that deporting illegal aliens is not racist or fascist. It is enforcing existing laws. That’s exactly what Trump, as the chief law enforcement officer, is doing and exactly what his predecessors should have done.

By the way, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. And the NAACP was started by three white Republican guys from Boston.

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