A message for The Book Thief fans




Published on Mar 3, 2014

The zionist globalist media bosses who dominate the movie industry are constantly making movies that makes us feel sorry for jewz, But what about the millions of christians that got killed and raped by the communist jewish bolsheviks? The communist jews have murdered and raped millions of Russian christians and millions of other innocent christians in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania. You have heard the word "Holocaust" thousands of times on your TV and in movies, but what about the Holodomor? which was the genocide of over 8 million Ukrainian christians perpetrated by the jewish communists like Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Geingrich Yagoda.
Go to David Duke's original youtube channel and watch his mini documentary "The Zionist Red Army" and learn the truthful facts that your "high schools" are not showing you.

David Duke's original youtube page: