BREAKING MIDTERM ELECTION RESULTS: Split Congress. Democrats. Andrew Gillum amd Bill Nelson (Fla.) lose to strong Trump supporters Ron Desantis and Rick Scott. Wasn't it the God doesn't like compromise at all. Weak leadership in the end will be scattered. SUPPORT INSPONEWS:
Facts are that this GOP party is truly the party of Donald J. Trump. Be loyal to MAGA agenda and "we the people"or be prepared to lose big league. Oh - and BTW, call your GOP or Democrat Congressional Representative today and demand that the make America safe by BUILDING THE WALL! Tell them to support the President and the safety of the American people for goodness sakes!
America rewards strong and loyal Trump leaders and REJECTS the retreating, resigning, retiring, weak "moderate" GOP egg heads like Paul Ryan ( who tucked his tail between his legs and ran all the way home at a time when the nation needed these weak GOP HOUSE cowards to be strong.)
The formerly weakly controlled compromising HOUSE GOP funded Robert Mueller's witch hunt but refused to fund the Great Southern WALL. Moderates there failed to support the repeal and replacement of Obama Care and resisted tariffs on China and the full repeal of NAFTA etc. As result, many weakling GOP reps saw the writing on the wall and were in retreat long before the Midterm elections - they were already planning their cowardly "exit strategy - at a time when this nation need them to support this President and his great agenda to make America great and keep it great etc. Many of them who did choose to run did NOT want the President to come to their districts and complained about the President's strong stand on illegal immigration and his correct focus on the Caravan.
The President was correct to call them weak. The fact is that weakness and compromise always invite attack and defeat. This the House GOP experienced in some measure last night. But the Democrats and Pelosi shouldn't celebrate all too much.
The stronger pro-Kavanaugh forces in the GOP controlled Senate who were unwavering and strong in their loyalty and allegiance to the President's agenda were rewarded by the American people with an even more conservative and greater majority in numbers - possible 4-5 more sets! These were the ones who welcomed the president to campaign for them and had unflinching support for all of the presidents MAGA policies- such as tax cuts, deregulation, a strong military budget, taking care of our Vets etc. and if not for not for traitor John McCain's infamous thumbs down on replacement of Obama care - would have undone the huge socialist and unconstitutional monster.
Pelosi is already threatening an obstructionist House to stop all Trump Administration policies - but as usual, she fails to realize she has no super or simple majority in the HOUSE because the GOP won 193 + seats and the Senate has a huge majority in the US Senate. Hopefully the House GOP will learn a lesson here and begin to fully endorse and with unwavering loyalty support the people's agenda as put forth by the 45th President.
(still waiting on Az. & Montana)
Patriots -
God bless all of you. God bless America. MAGA!
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