Hitler - Ehrenmann


The Impartial Truth


Published on Oct 14, 2018

If it is said that a man’s world is the State, that the man’s world is his struggle, his willingness to devote himself to the community, one might perhaps say that a woman’s world is a smaller one. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But where would the larger world be if no one wanted to care for the small world? How could the larger world survive if there was no one who would make the cares of the smaller world the content of his life?

However, these two worlds are never opposed to one another. They mutually complement each other, they belong together, just as man and wife belong together.

Every child to which she gives birth is a battle which she wages in her Volk’s fateful question of to be or not to be."

- Adolf Hitler

Here are some amazing women who lived in an "oppressive" "patriarchy" "nazi" society.

Leni Riefenstahl
Hanna Reitsch
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
Thea von Harbou

Women in Germany played a pivotal role in all aspects of life and also in the second world war and sacrificed a lot. There are two halves of the whole, remember that.

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