NEW: Post with corrected graphic, transcript, links:
I, Robert David Steele, am a former CIA spy and I have a Christmas message for Donald Trump. My last message, a ten page memo, was NOT delivered to him by Reince Preibus and Sean Spicer to whom it was delivered by FedEx but it WAS seen by over one million people including those who red it at Zero Hedge:
My two most notable efforts to help the President, apart from #UNRIG, can be found here: (Three Big Ideas) ("If I Were President")
Buy my books on Amazon:
The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth and Trust:
Eyes Only: Everything The Deep State Does Not Want You To Know:
On Intelligence: Spies and Secrecy In An Open World:
Intelligence For Earth: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity and Sustainability:
I, Robert David Steele Vivas, am a former US Marine, former CIA spy and co-founder of the US Marine Corps Intelligence Activity. I have long promoted the use of Open-Source Intelligence. I wrote the handbook on Open-Source Intelligence for NATO, the Defense Intelligence Agency and US Special Forces Operations. I have trained over 7,500 officers across 66 countries and speak fluent Spanish.
I am an author of many books and articles and have appeared on outlets like Russia Today (RT), Tehran Times, Victuras Libertas, X22 Report and several others.
I have championed the #UNRIG movement, which is designed to force the adoption of the Election Reform Act and help to #unrig the two-party tyranny that dominates our electoral system.
I maintain a daily blog at with many contributor posts.
I am the Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics (HA), true cost economics (TCE), and open source everything engineering (OSEE). Donate to my work here:
Be sure to subscribe to my channel for continual content and for insights not seen or heard anywhere else.
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I work with a Certified YouTube Channel Growth Expert on to grow my channel. If you are looking to grow your channel and optimized your videos and channel's SEO, I recommend this person:
#trump #robertdavidsteele #UNRIG