David Flynn pt4 The Giant's Geoglyphs of Tiahuanaco - RedIceRadio


Red Ice TV


Published on May 20, 2009

David Flynn - The Giant's Geoglyphs of Tiahuanaco
Red Ice Radio June 22, 2008

David Flynn author of "Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars"
and "The Temple At The Center Of Time" joins us to discuss his most recent
discovery: The Geoglyphs of Tiahuanaco. We begin to discuss how he made his
discovery and connect this with the Giants, the Nephilim, The Watchers,
the flood, cataclysms and megaliths. Topics discussed: Newton, Lake Titicaca,
the Bolivian Altiplano, The Age of the Geoglyphs, Arthur Posnansky,
Puma Punko, Viracocha and the Legend of a Second Moon.
Is there a message carved into the landscape? We also discuss Theurgy,
Baalbek, Terrence McKenna, Singularity, Time, the importance of Dates,
Latitudes, Longitudes, Placing, Place Names and much more.

In our members section we'll connect this first segment with David's theory
on the Cosmic Clock or the Doomsday Clock. We discuss numbers, dates,
measurements, 33, 60, 360, 2012 and much more.






