Episode 25: The Luck of the Irish?


Dr. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic


Published on May 16, 2019

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Buy my books here:
Churchill’s Headmaster: The ‘Sadist’ Who Nearly Saved the British Empire

How to Judge People By What They Like

The Silent Rape Epidemic: How the Finns Were Groomed to Love Their Abusers

J. Philippe Rushton: A Life History Perspective

Race Differences in Ethnocentrism: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Race-Differences-Ethnocentrism-Edward-Dutton/dp/191297505X/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?crid=TDJ42XOVHDW1&keywords=race+differences+in+ethnocentrism&qid=1556781600&s=gateway&sprefix=race+differe%2Caps%2C292&sr=8-1-fkmrnull

At Our Wits’ End: Why We’re Becoming Less Intelligence and What It Means For the Future:

Campbell, B. (2008). Benchmarking Medieval Economic Development: England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, c. 1290. Economic History Review.

Sykes, B. (2007). Saxons, Vikings and Celts. London: W.W. Norton.

Lynn, R. & Vanhanen, T. (2012). Intelligence. London: Ulster Institute for Social Research.

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