Don Lemon is a Racist: Needs to be FIRED -Wants to Ban White Men in US- call CNN -Not kidding-


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Nov 2, 2018

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11-3-18 - This is by far the saddest commentary I ever heard come out of the mouth & heart of a major news anchor on a major cable news network. please email your requests for his firing or call 1-404-827-1500/404-827-2600 fax 404-827-2600

There is not really much more to say. Lemon belittled every man who loves our Constitution - who loves racial equality and mutual respect - regardless of race or creed - ethnicity or socioeconomic background.

He is a left wing globalist, working for a Socialist think tank and PR machine called CNN. Their aim to divide this country and to falsely accuse and smear this President 24/7- 365. It is just plain wrong to abuse his position as a major talking head on Cable news to the few who still take him seriously. Bottom line- InspoNews is calling on the FCC and other regulatory agencies to fine CNN for his comments. Of course we think he should be terminated from his position at CNN but this unethical and duplicitous Left wing branch of the DNC- Socialist party has a mighty double standard so we won't hold our breath on that request.

Suffice it to say that if a conservative Newscaster (black or white) said anything even close to approximating his racial bias they already would have been terminated. Really i think the whole network is so operating as a national divider and slanderer of hard working public servants etc. that it would be great if our government could one day soon- shut them down altogether,

The pious hypocrisy and condescending, fake religiosity of Don Lemon is beyond nauseating. It is subversive to the American experiment.

He would do well to heed the words of Jesus later echoed by President Abraham Lincoln and then again by Dr. martin Luther King: "A House divided against itself cannot stand."

Please pray and seriously consider who you will vote for this Midterm election. A hoppy. prosperous, safe and free future for all Americans is at stake. Vote for candidates who are trying to bring us together as a nation - not to try and open old wounds and divide for political purposes- who falsely malign others for their own gain. Vote for candidates who support traditional values and for positive servant leadership government. From my perspective that means I'm voting GOP ticket all the way ....
MAGA & God bless
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