Dresden 1945 "ALLIED" judeo-anglo-american unpunished WAR CRIMES ww2-The Real Holocaust




Published on Apr 1, 2012

The judeo-anglo-american bombing of Dresden WW2 - February 13-14 1945
Der Anglo-amerikanische Terrorangriff auf Dresden im Februar 1945
Dresden 1945 "ALLIED" WAR CRIMES ww2
Of the many "allied" warcrimes of WW2, perhaps the most insidious were the countless terror-bombings of german civilians from 1941-1945.
On the night of February 13th, 1945.., there began the most controversial and DEADLY bombing-raids of World War II and of all history at that, which dwarfed the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.
This event, was the "Allied" fire-bombing of the German city of Dresden, which was a city of great works of art and architecture, and had no military manufacturing at all within the city. It had become a city far overcrowded with refugees, as the war was all but virtually over and was filled with over three times its normal population
The firebombing of Dresden from February 13th through February 14th, 1945 marked a lowpoint of "allied" brutality and contempt for civilian lives.