Feinstein's plan to Lynch Judge Kavanaugh-5 GOP Senators say they reserve the right to change


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Sep 18, 2018

Most likely JUDGE KAVANAUGH WILL BE CONFIRMED BY THE SENATE. The president has just said that the FBI is not interested in investigating this so it won't even get as far as it did with Anita Hill. Still, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY and we will stir the pot a little in this report. Sorry but really we are taking all worse case scenarios- we hope she doesn't even show up on Monday - but what if there is an X person who contradicts the judge and can prove they were at that party ? We try yo cover all the bases here - we are not so insipid as to "play into the hands of the enemy" BUT we believe the maxim of Sun tsu 500 BC -"To know thine enemy is to win a 1000 battles'

OK -so what if over 35 years of time the Judges memory failed him- what if he did kiss a girl after having a couple of beers at a party - what if she embellished that? He didn't even do that. But that doesn't matter to the left. They will lie and make things up.

So, he needs to be prepared and have his memory jogged by anyone who may have been at that house party period. If he doesn't recollect properly and another "friend" of hers or him shows up at that senate hearing on Monday and he says he wasn't even at the party then that constitutes lying and Grassley said that could be a disqualifier.

This is not a good thing no matter - but if he said he may have kissed a girl at a party - it would save him from lying or appearing to lie when he simply forgot or could not recollect- i know he's honest- but what if someone contradicts him at the hearing?

We like to show here the BIG PICTURE as to what the globalists and Chinese spies are up to by throwing this Christine Ford in front of a freight train. Oh i know, she'll probably get a left wing BOOK DEAL from some Trump hating publisher.

Sen.Feinstein's plan to Lynch Judge Kavanaugh-5 GOP Senators are now undecided -Senate Judiciary will hopefully hear testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Monday so the process of confirming this great judge can proceed. Let's pray so.

Federico Cardella
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