EU criticises ‘hasty’ UK approval of COVID-19 vaccine
European Medicines Agency says its approval process is more appropriate, as German politician calls UK move ‘problematic’.
13th Nov, 2020 Dr Stanley Laham
Immunologist, University of Florida
There is also a predictable nefarious effect, that is the onset of an autoimmune cascade of events.
The mRNA will be translated in the cytoplasm of Cells it penetrates into viral proteins that can prime our immune system to make specific circulating antibodies to prevent the pathogenesis of the virus if exposed.
But this mRNA bray also be incorporated In our DNA by reverse transcription and remain as part of our genome. This would healthy Cells to make viral protein that migrate to the cell membrane. In this scenario, these cells would be recognized as foreign by our immune system and be attacked causing a new autoimmune disease. There is no way to predict over the months and years after vaccination with this viral mRNA how many cells in what organs would be endangered by making this foreign protein.
From the former Chief Medical Officer of Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon:-
“There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I've never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines. You do not vaccinate people who aren't at risk from a disease. You also don't set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn't been extensively tested on human subjects.
"This much I know after 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry. Yet there are such moves afoot.
"One thought piece suggests that anyone who refuses vaccination should be subject to indefinite house arrest
"In some countries, there is talk of no jab, no job. There have even been job adverts for openings in NHS Wales for people to oversee the vaccination of the entire population.
"Any such proposals are not only completely unnecessary but if done using any kind of coercion at all, illegal”.
- Dr Mike Yeadon - Former Chief Medical Officer of Pfizer.
Dr Stanley Laham (PhD in microbiology and immunology) ...this is a direct quote from him on another post
The Dangers of an mRNA Vaccine.
In a traditional Vaccine such as Polio, Small Pox, Mumps etc...a killed virus or attenuated virus or viral antigens are injected so that your body goes through the process of recognizing this particular antigen as foreign and mounts an immune response to it. When faced with the real pathogen, you are already prepared to fight it off before it becomes too invasive and cause damage to the organs that are the natural target of that virus.
In a mRNA vaccine, a piece of the genetic material of the virus is injected into you. The m in mRNA stands for Messenger. Your cells are supposed to pick it up, translate it with the enzyme RNA Translatase into the viral protein in abundance. These proteins will migrate to the surface of your cells where your immune system will recognize them as foreign and make antibodies to them. These antibodies will now protect you when you are confronted with the virus itself.
But your own cells incorporating this antigen in their membrane will be recognized as non-self and subject to an immune attack causing an autoimmune reaction.
And there is another process that may take place with this RNA. You have another enzyme in your cells called Reverse Transcriptase. This enzyme transforms RNA into DNA and can permanently insert it in your DNA to become part of your genetic makeup. This can irreversibly alter your genome.
There are two adverse ways your immune system may may respond to these new foreign antigens being produced by your own cells. One consequence could be a fulminent chronic Autoimmune Disease. This is not an exceptional condition and more and more pathologies are being recognized as autoimmune. Guillain/Barré paralysis and Bell Palsy are some of the more known autoimmune reactions to viral antigens.
The other unintended consequence could be that since your own cells are producing this protein, you may at first make antibodies to it but then decide that it is part of self and stop so as not to damage your own body. This is the mechanism called tolerance used by allergists to desensitize allergy patients to certain allergens. In this possibility if you are later infected with the virus in question, you produce no response in time to stop the damage it causes.
The Immune System is intricate and still not fully understood. You can not introduce new genetic materials into a human and pretend to know all of its consequences. If this RNA gets incorporated in the DNA as I described, then the subject in a way becomes a genetically modified organism. And the pharmaceutical companies are being allowed to fast tract such a vaccine and giving them immunity for any unintended but predictable consequences.