The Transformation of Ireland - Immigration, Asylum and Demographics


Parse The Noise


Published on May 16, 2018

How does a story about a small town, rejecting the creation of an asylum seeker accommodation centre in their locale, reflect a bigger a tale about immigration, demographics and political failure in Ireland, Europe and the west as a whole? LET'S FIND OUT.

This video discusses Ireland's rapidly changing society, the divide between the political classes and the public on the issue, and how all of that fits into the broader migrant and demographic crises in Europe.

Please keep all comments respectful. All content used here is for the purposes of commentary and criticism (fair use). This video is not intended to endorse any political groups or to cause offense.

Transcript and sources:

#ireland #immigration #demographics


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Please keep all comments respectful. All content used here for the purposes of commentary and criticism (fair use). This video is not intended to endorse any political groups or to cause offence.
