Mrtvi Niste - Serbian Volunteer Corps March


ZborBall IV


Published on Jul 5, 2021

The SVC was formed from 234 members of Yugoslav National Movement (ZBOR), Ljotić's and Olćan's pre-war political party enlisted as the first volunteers. On 17 September the Serbian Volunteer Command was formed under the command of Colonel Konstantin Mušicki, a Serbian officer. The command consisted of 12 companies, each 120-150 men strong. Many volunteers came from the student ZBOR organization and others were refugees from the Independent State of Croatia. The men wore olive green uniforms or, in the case of officers, the uniform of the former Yugoslav armed forces, with the Cross of St. George on the right breast. Ranks or grade designations were for all practical purposes those of the former Royal Yugoslav Army. Weapons were mixed; besides German arms which were eventually supplied, foreign rifles and machine guns, especially those seized as war booty from the defeated Yugoslav forces were used. Mortars and light artillery were also on hand in varying quantities. The command also had an educational department whose task was to educate fighters ideologically. The head of the educational section was journalist Ratko Parežanin. It also had an intelligence section which had centres all over Serbia. The spiritual needs of the corps were maintained by protojerej Aleksa Todorović. The corps often operated in close alliance with the Russian Corps.

The Serbian Volunteer Corps was formally under Nedić's Command of Gendarmerie, but it was, like SDS and SGS, under direct control of SS and Police Leader August Meyszner and Commanding General in Serbia. In operations in the field, its units were put under tactical command of German divisions. Ljotić himself had no control over SDK. SDK units were not allowed to move from the assigned territory without German authorization.
This song was written as an ode to fallen soldiers of Zbor and of the SDK before 1944

Mrtvi niste, o druzi mili,
Još se čuje vaš gromki glas.
Vaš duh silni u nama živi,
Vaša duša lebdi izmeđ’ nas.

Vi ste pošli učitelju svome,
A u težak i krvavi boj,
I za našu lepu misao Zbora
Vi ste dali mlađan život svoj.

A kad dođe do sudnjega časa,
I poslednju reč kad dade Bog,
Svi će znati da ste hrabro pali
Za slobodu i za Kralja svog.

Počivajte druzi sad u miru,
Vaše delo nastavljamo mi,
A slobode kada danak sine,
Steg pobede nosićete vi.