MEET the moggy-loving monkey who thinks her pet cat is her baby


Pravda Report


Published on Apr 25, 2013

Kimon, the eight year old, female long-tailed monkey as seen on December 09, 2012 in Bintan Island, Indonesia. MEET the moggy-loving monkey who thinks her pet cat is her baby. Motherly Kimon has such strong maternal instincts that she treats eight-year-old feline just like one of her own off-spring. The cute pictures show Kimon the long-tailed macaque grooming the cat, who Kimon raised since she was a kitten, just like she would to her own baby. Other images show Kimon carrying the cataround like a baby monkey and the pair cuddling up together. The unusual pair live together on Bintan Island, near Sumatra in Indonesia where photographer Yuli Seperi photographed them together.

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