Aug 22, 2017 Parents of children who were sexually abused and traumatized at school show outrage at Rocklin California school board meeting.
The toddlers were exposed to sexually explicit transgender indoctrination without permission or notification of any parents.
The unapologetic teacher stands by her decision to traumatize the toddlers, and has not even lost her job.
She sat the children down in the classroom and read 2 books to them about sex changes. Then had one student go into the bathroom as a girl, and come out dressed as a boy... telling the toddlers that the little girl is now a boy.
Children went home crying and scared and psychologically abused and traumatized. One little girl cried all night, thinking she could wake up and might be changed into a boy.
I go on to touch on topics like sex change operations and how the surgery is merely an act of self mutilation and cutting, since it is scientifically impossible to change the sex of any human. The DNA and chromosomes are not changed, so the person remains the same sex, but just cuts off body parts. These acts of self mutilation are common with mental illnesses like BIID (Body Integrity Indentity Disorder), BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder), Species Dysphoria, etc... where a small percentage of humans have delusions and do not identify with their own body form.
I will attach the links to all scientific articles and sites mentioned in this video below:
definition of noncontact sexual abuse, including showing children age inappropriate sexual materials or pictures:
Parents outraged at school who traumatized their children with sexual transgender indoctrination without notifying parent August 2017:
Pediatric expert calls kindergarten transgender ceremony "psychological abuse" of children:
Prominent doctor says there is scientifically no such thing as transgender or sex-change, cutting off body parts does not change DNA or chromosomes, it is just self-mutilation:
Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) makes people want to cut off their own limbs:
Body Dismorphic Disorder is a mental illness:
Species Dysphoria is a mental illness where people "identify" as a different species, thinking they are in the wrong body:
NO scientific evidence that self mutilation or surgery to cut off body parts to simulate a sex change improves emotional or mental health:
Sex surgery regrets:
Spiritual Healing and Deliverance... This guy is GREAT... check him out if you are suffering with PTSD, anxiety, depression, identity disorders, anything! He was an atheist counselor for 25 years... now he counsels and also incorporates the SPIRITUAL root causes of many of these emotional and mental illnesses:
If you want help... Here's a prayer from my website for God to help you... just ask Him, He loves you! He will come deliver you.
Transgender, sex change, transitioning, gender fluidity, LGBT, gay pride, homosexuality, homosexuals, gay men, crossdressers, transvestites, lesbians, freedom, deliverance, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, evil spirits, Holy Bible, salvation, suicide prevention, fear, anxiety, depression, bondage, lust... there is HELP.