Mueller's FBI ignored Al Qaeda connection to Saudi Government years before 911


Ryan Dawson


Published on Sep 13, 2017

The Empire Unmasked
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When someone says there was no debris and then makes a strawman that planes do not evaporate, or they claim the hole was only 16 feet and then make a strawman that planes dont fit in 16ft holes, call them out on their premise. Sure planes don't evaporate and planes dont fit in 16ft holes. And it didn't. The hole is over 90ft and there was plenty of debris including most notably both engines the landing gear and even passengers. If you can't admit a plane hit the Pentagon then you have no business talking about New York. The reason for the disinformation about the pentagon is to discredit 911 truth, and move the path away from the hijackers. They dont want to admit a plane because they dont want to even admit the hijackers were real. They dont want you looking into the hijackers because it leads straight back to Saudi Arabian and Israel intelligence who were (not for the first time) working with US intelligence to support Al Qaeda.

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