12-Year-Old Gets Social Justice Stabbing


Sarah Corriher


Published on Apr 1, 2021

While waiting in line at a McDonald's, a 12-year-old white boy was stabbed in the neck and tackled by a black man, who was calling him a "White Devil" (among other things). His family and a couple of good Samaritans were able to subdue the knife-wielding attacker before the young boy was killed. Then, as expected, the media went mute; even completely ignoring the racist slurs by the attacker which preceded the attack. There were no grandstanding race baiters on TV, no marches in the streets, nor were there calls to change anything. Dutifully following the program, the media simply went silent, as it anxiously awaits an act of violence that actually matches the politically correct narrative about race and violence. Once again, Fox News participated in the cover-up as well.

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Sarah Corriher co-founded Health Wyze Media @ HealthWyze.org

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