Government Teachers Teach for Less Than 3 Hours a Day on Average!


Stefan Molyneux


Published on Sep 13, 2012

Additional Clarifications on the Current Strike by Teachers in Chicago.
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A Teacher (and NEA Member) Reviews the Book

"This is a well-written, well documented attack on the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). .

The premise is, as the title clearly states, that since the rise of teacher unions in the mid-1960s, the quality of education has dropped, innovation has been compromised and the cost of education has skyrocketed. He backs it up with a ton of statistics. To the credit of Brimelow, this could have been a stale listing of statistics punctuated by charts. However, he writes in a lively style and backs up his assertions with independent sources of information as well as damning quotes from movers and shakers in the NEA and the AFT.

As an unsatisfied member of the NEA, I found the book to be quite eye-opening. It was also interesting to me since the Indiana branch of the NEA (Indiana State Teachers Association) was the source of a lot of his material and that is my State Association.

This is a thought-provoking and challenging book. He does not just stand there and point out problems. He also 24 suggestions at the end of his book, although he is quick to note that this is a wish list and it will be extremely unlikely that half of these could ever see the light of day."

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