End Time Dream - Earthquake, War, Bombs, Martial law (night vision)




Published on Mar 17, 2013

This is a dream I had in early March 2013. It took place next to a river, seems like I was in America, but did not recognize exactly where I was. Can't even guarantee it was America, because that info was not specifically given... but the other dreams I had about war and martial law were indeed in the United States, so that makes me think it was.

I think the troops were foreign, I think Asian. I didn't see any symbols or faces to guarantee that, but I had some sort of "knowing" that they were Asian... maybe China or Korea.

I had my first series of end time visions, including the Return of Jesus Christ, 14 years ago, which awakened me to the era we live in.

But I didn't have hardly any more prophetic dreams or visions for many, many years... maybe 1 or 2 every 5 years or so.

But I just started having a series of war and martial law dreams last October to the present. This is just one of the shorter ones I've had. I'll post them all as I have time.

Plus, I will eventually post them as talking videos when I hook up my camera. I know that I like to just listen to youtube videos when I'm working, so I want to make sure I get them up that way too. But I felt an urgency to start getting the warnings up right away, so I'll just type them out right now.

Everyone get ready. This is the greatest era in human history, and nobody can save us besides Jesus Christ. So, if you have not received the Holy Spirit yet, and fear you may be on the path toward dfestruction... please ask Christ into your life, into your body and into your soul.

If you don't know what to do, you can just go to my website and click on "Get Saved" icon, where you'll find a little prayer you can say to God. There's also a short explaination of salvation there for anyone who may nort understand our need for Salvation through Christ Jesus.

I love you all so much. God bless you and yours!

Here's the "Get Saved" link on my website:


Here's my website:
