Soim Roman - Iron Guard Song


ZborBall IV


Published on Jul 9, 2021

The Iron Guard (Romanian: Garda de Fier) was a fascist movement and political party in Romania founded in 1927 by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu as the Legion of the Archangel Michael (Legiunea Arhanghelul Mihail) or the Legionnaire Movement (Mișcarea Legionară). Its ideology was ultra-nationalistic, antisemitic, and opposed to both communism and capitalism; it also promoted its own radicalized version of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

In March 1930, Codreanu formed the Iron Guard as a paramilitary branch of the Legion, which in 1935 changed its official name to the "Totul pentru Țară" party—literally, Everything For the Country Party. It existed into the early part of the Second World War, during which time it came to power. Members were called Legionnaires or Greenshirts because of the predominantly green uniforms they wore.

When Marshal Ion Antonescu came to power in September 1940, he brought the Iron Guard into the government, creating the National Legionary State. In January 1941, following the Legionnaires' rebellion, Antonescu used the army to suppress the movement, destroying the organization; its commander, Horia Sima, along with other leaders, escaped to Germany.
I couldn't find any info on this song, except that Romanian Hawk is allegedly some form of missile system akin to the Russian Katyusha.

Nimic în lume nu-i mai sfânt
Și mai frumos pe-acest pământ
Decât să mori ca luptător
Înfășurat în tricolor. (X2)

Șoim român, șoim român
Ardelean batalionul doi
Gorniștii sună, să mergem la razboi
Voinici s-adunș cu miile d-eroi

Știu bine că am să mor
Langă o tufă de mohor
Langă o tufă de stejar
Langâ domnul căpitan (X2)

Dusmanul vine cu arma-n mana
Si cu manie in pieptul pagan

Vrea sa distruga vita romana
Vrea sa nu fie neam de roman (X2)

Scoala romane n-auzi alarma
N-auzi cum palge natia ta

Bubuie tunul muntii rasuna
Valea e-n sange lupta e grea (X2)

Sapte vieti in pieptu-i de arma
Are romananul vietuitor

De vitejia lui nu-si da seama
Cel ce-a patruns in tara la noi (X2)