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Class #3 Outline:
****First word: Know may allah have mercy on u اعلم رحمك الله
*Intro to the importance of "ilm"
-It's mentioned with it's variations over 779
-Verses in 2:30-34 - Adam AS and Ilm.
-Some of the verses that mention messengers and knowledge
-"ilm" the 2nd most popular word with it's variations in the Koran after Allah SWT
-Characteristics of any leader is that he has knowledge.
Reason Taloot was chosen was his knowledge then power.
-Even amongst jinn the more knowledgeable are more highly regarded.
Story of Suelieman AS and the knowledgeable jinn that brought him the palace and Suliemans final words at the end of the story.
*Definition of Knowledge
ilm means to comprehend the reality of something as it is truly w/ certainty
*Is the word 'ilam' or knowledge conveyed to other than humans?
-Story of Musa AS and the stone
-The tree that took it's shahadah
-Trees that shaded the Prophet sallah Allahu Aleih wasalam when he used the restrooms
-The stone that gave the Prophet sallah Allahu Aleih wasalam salam
*Is I'lam or knowledge told or conveyed to one more knowledgeable?
*Levels of knowledge:
ابن القيم في مفتاح دار السعادة
Ibn El Qayyim in Muftah Dar Elsaadah said knowledge is 6 levels:
1. Asking or pursuing knowledge properly حسن السؤال
2) Listening properly حسن الإنصات والاستماع
3) Understanding properly حسن الفهم
4) Memorizing properly حسن الحفظ
5) Teaching التعليم
6) Fruit of knowledge to act on it and stop at its limits ثمرته - هي العمل به ومراعاة حدوده
*Alkhalal mentioned in his journey to study knowledge he remained 4 years before asking
1st year he remained silent انصت
2nd he considered or looked نظرت
3rd year he pondered over knowledge تدبرت
4th year he began to ask سألت
*honor of knowledge:
-Verses and Hadith showing the honor and value of knowledge/ilm
-Statement of أبُو الوَفَاءِ بنُ عَقيل Abul Wafa Ibn Aqeel
-Statement of Ibn Abbas
-Statement of Alzuhry الزهري
-Statement of Assafey الشافعي
-Journey of Abdallah Ibn Unais عبدالله بن انيس
-Journey of Abu Ayyoud ابوايوب
-Sleepless night of Muhammad Bin Hassan Alshaybany محمد بن حسن الشيباني
-His student Asad Ibn Alfurat أسد بن الفرات
-Saeed Ibn Almusayyeb سعيد بن المسيب
-Arrazy الرازي stopped counting his distance of traveling to study at 3106 miles.
-Story of Albukhary البخاري
-Story of Alnaway
-Lisan aldeen Ibn Khateeb the man with a double life لسان الدين بن خطيب
-the khalifah Suleiman ibn Abdelmalik and Ataa bin Abay Rabah سليمان بن عبدالملك
-Haroon Alrasheed and Alkisaaey هارون الرشيد مع الكسائي
-Ibn Aljozy and the hareesah sweets
***NEXT WORDS: Rahimak Allah رحمك الله may allah shower his mercy on you
-Meanings of rahimak Allah
-If Rahmah & forgiveness are in one sentence they have different meanings; if they are in separate sentence they both include the meaning of the other in them.
That rule is like Eman and Islam.
-Do you say Rahmah to non-believers?
-Wisdom behind the author saying Rahimak Allah.
-Characteristics of one who wants to make dawah