Barbara is a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers. Although, she is currently an Associate Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Michigan, she has written five books. Underlying the work is Oakley's scientific training and research related to medical imaging and genetics, precisely the areas where important breakthroughs in brain research are being made. In the first hour we'll discuss what she calls pathological altruism. She'll explain how altruism and empathy, so highly regarded and embedded in society, can actually cause harm. Barbara says some people are predisposed to kindness to the point of being destructive to themselves and others. In the second hour, we'll discuss "Evil Genes" and "Cold Blooded Kindness." Barbara provides support for the idea that 'evil' people act the way they do mainly as the result of a dysfunction. We talk about the Soviet Union, Obama, the welfare state, centralized systems and group think. Is kindness always the right answer? Should altruistic ideals be foisted upon everyone? We end the hour on Ayn Rand.