More Information on Dr. Raymond H. Wheeler's Climate Research:
The Medieval Warm Period:
“Climate Change is a fake crisis manufactured by globalist bureaucrats to exert control over Western countries through regulation. You don’t even have to look at the science, just look at who is pushing this and how they stand to gain from their proposals to fix it."
- Nick Fuentes
"Nothing about the world we live in will ever make sense to you unless you understand you live under an occupation and are thus subject to the rules of an occupation. If you do not start from there, you will furtively search for multiple explanations and rationalizations.
Humiliation attacks everything that is important to a people by bringing it to its lowest level in front of everyone else. Or it makes a vicious mockery of the conquered by denying them any bit of dignity. In history people would be disfigured, branded, or tattooed to deny them their right to simply blend in with society. They would be marked, letting people know what they did (denial of privacy), or just ruining their appearance, their status kept low. Their autonomy violated.
The Ottoman Empire had a culture of boys, actual children, called köçek who cross-dressed and danced in sexually provocative ways and were sexually available. These young boys were taken from non-Muslim peoples and turned into a dancing monkey, a girl, and a prostitute and there was *nothing* the conquered could do about it.
Normal Americans value their right to bear arms and the American culture of having the right to do as you please, shoot guns, eat red meat, have big open spaces with big houses, and have a nice, normal family. If you don't think humiliation is key to all of this you're *wrong*
People often get it backwards because their brains are poisoned by complex ideology so they over-complicate this with explanations. They puzzle over *why* they want to destroy this stuff, and while there are many reasons, the main one is simple:
Because it's something you value.
Americans value red meat and living big and free.
So they are going to make you eat bugs and live in pods.
And like I said above, the supreme flex is when they get you to do it yourself. That's why they're focusing on convincing you first. That's why they are trying to manufacture your consent. They love it when you loudly proclaim no sir you won't eat bugs or live in a pod. They're confident it will happen eventually and are shit-testing us to toy with us and wear us down.
They don't want you disarmed, eating bugs, raising a brown grandchild in a pod space because your daughter died from drugs, and clapping for your drag queen son getting f***ed in public because it's socially good:
They want it because they hate you and want to humiliate you"
-Edward B Chang
Project MKUltra was the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency.
The program engaged in many illegal activities, including the use of U.S. and Canadian citizens as its unwitting test subjects, it used numerous methods to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the use of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse.
Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the United States Congress and Gerald Ford's United States President's Commission on CIA activities within the United States. Investigative efforts were hampered by CIA Director Richard Helms order that all MKUltra files to be destroyed in 1973, two years prior to attempts at investigation of the program.
Calm, fitter, healthier and more productive. A pig in a cage on antibiotics.
song used in video by Negative XP:
TL;DR - "climate change" is no big deal, climate is controlled by forces beyond the control of man and it functions in cycles just like seasons only also on a grander scale, there was time when North Africa was lush with forests it didn't become a desert because of the industrial revolution, winter and summer are not caused by human economic activity. The climate crisis hysteria is just another tool used to destroy western peoples and anyone who believes it is a mind-controlled mkultra transgender who will eat bugs, chop off their dick, and live in a pod. It's all connected these only seem like separate issues.