White Genocide? Not Quite, But Mass Third World Migration Must be Stopped


Ryan Dawson


Published on Nov 14, 2017

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White Genocide? Maybe not, but Mass Third World Migration must be Stopped. Sweden importing the third world so that sections of their cities become no go zones for native Swedes is neither colonization or multiculturalism. It’s just surrendering territory to foreign hordes because of violence and the threat of violence. But it’s not genocidal colonies, yet it’s also not just peaceful self segregation either. This is land annexation through violence. All Cultures are not equal. It’s one thing to learn things from a different but equal culture like Japan and Sweden sharing customs and philosophy. That’s two first world, functional, low crime, successful nations. It’s quite another to import third world North African barbarism and call it culture. A culture or subculture that routinely breaks the law is incompatible. Cultures or religious interpretations that restrict basic freedom for over half the population are also incompatible with Western society. Diversity is for grown ups with genuine intellectual, historic and proven functional societies. It is not for parasitic fanatics with proven chaos and dysfunctional failed societies. Its not a white genocide since those white people are still alive. No one killed and replaced. They just Took territory, territory that you Gave them, that's not the same as killing millions of people. Using exaggerated terms doesn't help your cause or win you any friends.

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