Episode 8: Finns are the Cleverest People in Europe and Its Destroying Them


Dr. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic


Published on Feb 22, 2019

Buy 'The Silent Rape Epidemic: How the Finns were Groomed to Love Their Abusers' here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Silent-Rape-Epidemic-Groomed-Abusers/dp/1799003647/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=the+silent+rape&qid=1552343726&s=gateway&sr=8-2

Or on Kindle here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Silent-Rape-Epidemic-Groomed-Abusers-ebook/dp/B07PDT7ZVY/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+silent+rape&qid=1552343761&s=gateway&sr=8-1

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"At Our Wits' End: Why We're Becoming Less Intelligent and What It Means For the Future":

"How to Judge People By What They Like"

Race Differences in Ethnocentrism
Pre-order: info@arktos.com

Churchill’s Headmaster: The Sadist Who Nearly Saved the British Empire
Pre-order: info@manticore.press

J. Philippe Rushton: A Life History Perspective

The Rape of the Finns: Evolution, Mutant Genes and Muslim Child Grooming in Northern Scandinavia

In 2003, the northern Finnish city of Oulu was what foreigners imagined such a city would be; calm, quiet and very ‘Finnish.’ By 2018, the whole country was convulsed by Oulu’s Muslim Child Grooming Scandal. A gang of Arab ‘refugees’ were up in court for the sexual assault and rape of under age Oulu girls and it transpired that Finland’s politicians and mainstream media had done everything possible – guided by the divine light of Multiculturalism – to cover it up. How could a country like Finland – stereotyped as nationalistic and culturally conservative – have embraced that Multicultural suicide cult so rapidly? In The Rape of the Finns, Dutton argues that the explanation lies in Finns’ evolutionary past. Adapted to extreme cold and predictability, they are fiercely intelligent, extraordinarily cooperative, highly rule following, and massively socially anxious. This is likely to foster tendencies towards being naively trusting, slavishly conformist and prone to imitating others. Perfectly adapted to their ecology, this is combined with a miniscule gene pool, meaning very few intelligence or personality outliers who might dare to challenge the Spirit of the Age. The intense Darwinian selection to which they’ve been subjected, and their late industrialization, has delayed the rise of nihilism, which happens when nations industrialize and selection pressures are weakened, partly because more and more people carry mutant genes which make them think in a maladaptive way. But now Political Correctness has taken hold of Suomi with astonishing rapidity. But Finns have sisu and don’t easily give up. And Dutton finds that there is a means, though a radical one, by which the destruction of Suomi can be reversed, if the Finns truly want to save their land of sauna and Sibelius.