UK Govt. Licence To Kill Activists; Covid Journalists; Brits Slaves If Assange Dies Or Is Extradited




Published on Oct 10, 2020

Zara Sultana MP for Coventry with an impassioned speech against the new Covert Human Intelligence Sources bill which allows many government agencies to commit murder.

WATCH: Is the UK heading toward medical martial law?
We are hearing frequent calls for the UK’s coronavirus “pandemic” response to become a military operation

Starmer whips MPs to ABSTAIN on Tory bill to legalise crimes, including murder, by intelligence operatives. Starmer whips MPs to ABSTAIN on Tory bill to legalise crimes, including murder, by intelligence operatives. Today the Tories will try to progress the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill through Parliament. It is a bill that analysts say will allow anyone designated as an intelligence source to commit any crime without fear of consequences – including murder: Not only that, the bill will allow infiltration of unions and protest groups with impunity. A government that has overseen extensive crimes by its operatives, in Northern Ireland, England and elsewhere wants to give itself the power to do so without fear of law or justice. Coming as it does just after a bill to give similar immunity for war crimes committed overseas, it is clearly part of a plan to turn the UK even more into a police state. And just like with that bill, Keith Starmer is again whipping Labour MPs to abstain. Some have publicly stated they will ignore him: But Starmer sacked front-benchers who did so last week and there are few now among the drones on his front bench with the spine to do likewise. He is unfit to be Labour leader.

PMQs Kier Starmer on the confusion of lockdown policies.

Death of Peregrine Worsthorn.

Money to man fathered by a cop STORY LINK***. Katchiani ...

Kim Segupta Army squash online conspiracy theories LINKS**.

New high rises in Bristol. PMQs new buildings taking over green spaces.

Tory Party Conference online: Boris Johnson’s speech; Rishi Sunak speech. Goldman Sachs – Black Rock.

Barrington declaration Mail STORY LINK**. NHS Covid 19 figures LINK**.

Nafeez Ahmed ..counter argument LINK**. Statements by doctors LINK**.

Vernon Coleman on censored experts and strategic lies on Covid 19.

Ian Robinson from Avonmouth Community Action Group discusses the recent fire in scrap metal at Avonmouth - he also discusses other infringements at the docks and how he would like things to improve.

BBC Panorama – South Wales Police corruption over many serious cases including Clydach murders.

Rebecca Brooks had access to secret profiles of her jury.

Ben Butler and Henry Widdas have started a new group for journalists who are fed up with the narrow journalistic cover in the mainstream – Hold Authority to Account (HATA): coverage of Covid 19; Del Bigtree, director of ’Vaxxed’, on how children’s vaccines aren’t tested properly and the huge influence of Big Pharma; Little Seed Big Tree song; working conditions and future of journalism; if you want to join group;

Covid 19 The Musical song.

Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file - [right click to download]
Radio4All audio file - [right click to download]
Complete 120 minute show - [right click to download]
Full anti-Covid-19 censorship journalists interview (HATA) [right click to download]

Second hour Covid Plandemic News and Investigative Reports:  Julian Assange court case: Craig Murray on US silencing journalism; James Goodale and Daniel Ellsberg on criminalisation of basic journalistic function.

Interview with Robert Hanson who lives in Hong Kong on Covid 19, new Chinese national security law in Hong Kong; Chinese Rockefeller Foundation and Triad/Masonic Secret Societies; utility companies in UK owned by China 

Black History Month: Boston’s 1960s 1970s Negro Removal housing policy.

US based Irish Republicans supplied arms to Irish Republican Brotherhood to fight British Empire.

David Icke debunked – Ivan Fraser says Icke took Biggest Secret book from Brian Desborough word for word.

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