Trump's Inauguration speech Wooooo send to every leftist you know


Ryan Dawson


Published on Jan 21, 2017

Trump's Inauguration speech spot on
Oh the trump critics on the fake news media today... They wanted a unity speech and only a unity speech. They wanted him to comply and become establishment.

He chastised prior administrations from both parties for ignoring the people to engage in their self interests. His speech was about working for the national interest of the United States citizens. Our unity is opposed to government nepotism and global bribery. He spoke of safe cities, good education, sound borders, reduced taxes and regulations so Americans can buy and hire American. And most importantly stop meddling abroad. He said lead by example not by force. The one foreign enemy he named was radical Islam. Stop giving these guys money and guns and blow them up instead. He spoke of unifying alliances with the first world to do that. This includes Russia.

It's a very common sense policy. Put America first. But it's something we haven't been able to do for a long time. Well now is the time.

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