Vali Blot ~ Festival of the Family


Südhimmel Hearth


Published on Sep 26, 2014

Aesberg Odinic Hearth ~ Festival of the Family, Vali Blot.

Vali, a son of Odin and defender of the family. He symbolises the new light after darkness and in our myths slays the blind Hother ( dark ) and so is a herald for the approaching of Spring and the Summer Finding (Ostara): a "new awakening". Rays of light are often called "shafts" and as a light bringer he is often depicted as a bowman firing shafts of light. He thus is also a God of love and it is entirely possible the Valentine motif of lovers being smitten by,"arrows of love" is based upon the early mythology of Vali.
Vali's slaying of Hother also avenges Balder,the fairest of all the Gods. Thus he is also a deity of just vengeance; This is not to be mistaken with petty or spiteful revenge, but is a balancing and an alteration to allow balance and harmony to take place. He is a defender of light and good.
This blot is the Festival of the Family , a time to remember not only our closest family but those who are our kindred by blood in the extended family of our folk and our fellow Odinists.