DNC Leak Scandal: Wasserman Schultz Resigns! | Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux


Stefan Molyneux


Published on Jul 24, 2016

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MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3361/dnc-leak-scandal-wasserman-schultz-resigns-mike-cernovich-and-stefan-molyneux
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In light of WikiLeaks releasing Democratic National Committee 20,000 emails which show shocking levels of corruption and bias against Bernie Sanders - Debbie Wasserman Schultz has announced her resignation as party chair on the eve of the DNC convention.

The WikiLeaks document dump also shows DNC collaboration with the mainstream media, coordination of what questions Hillary Clinton should be asked, demands to case certain types of coverage, the direction of attacks towards both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders within the media, illegal campaign financing events and much much more!

Stefan Molyneux is joined by Mike Cernovich of DangerandPlay.com to discuss the controversial fallout of this massive news story and the lengths to which social media and the press have gone to hide the Democratic National Committee Wikileaks scandal.

Mike Cernovich is a lawyer and the author of “Gorilla Mindset: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions to Live Life on Your Terms.” Order Gorilla Mindset on Amazon: http://www.fdrurl.com/gorilla-mindset

Follow Mike on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cernovich
Read Danger and Play: http://www.dangerandplay.com
Follow Mike on Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/Cernovich

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