Russia's Missing Princesses & the Globalist Plot to Destroy Christianity, Putin & Trump


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Sep 11, 2018

The Missing Russian Princesses & the Globalist Plot:
Learn in this report what is the connection between the "missing Russian Princesses and the New World Order's plan to destroy Christianity from off the planet. Then you will realize why they hate President Trump and Putin so very much. Oh - sorry Fox - it's far more then some sort of "Trump hate media syndrome".

The Bolshevik, left wing, godless, globalist MSM Media hate our great President (and President Putin as well) for their real faith in Christ, their conservative values and nationalism etc. Learn why the MSM media truly is the "enemy of the people" as your President has rightly charged.

Learn who the "New Bolsheviks" are (their leaders were NOT Russian - but British, German like Marx etc.) and they hated Americans and Russians as well as all Christians - the Luciferians that they are. You will then understand why CNN, ABC, CNBC, NY Times etc. all hate this country, our constitution and all it stands for. You will see why they openly mock genuine love of God, family, flag and country - why they scoff at true authentic patriots and 24/7 deride the MAGA grass roots movement of Donald Trump populism and America first, national sovereignty doctrine.
In this report will tell you why they want a war in Syria - arming local sharia Islamic groups with chlorine gas and readying a provocation as an excuse to start a World War 3 with Russia and China. there is no doubt that a world war 3 will feature nuclear weapons which means you will soon have many millions dead Russians and Americans - exactly what these cold hearted warmongering Bolshevik neocons in the West Wing want.

Your good president is in a battle royale with globalists and Neocons deeply embedded in our CIA and Intelligence community, our FBI & DOJ, our State dept. and yes, even in the upper echelons of our US military. The president is in a fight for his Presidency with his own DOJ for goodness sakes. President Putin has offered the hand of friendship with this country but the neocons, the Open society globalists will have none of it. For his desire for peace and partnership- he has gotten more damaging sanctions and sabre rattling from RINO GOP Never Trumper Neocons in his Administration and military and Intelligence establishment - not to mention the Neocon Hillary obama holdover State Dept.

Please vote in the Midterms. For the sake of our tenuous freedoms and for world peace- please elect more conservatives in our Congress to help the President get his MAGA agenda moving full steam - without the witch hunts and incessant attacks by Democrats and RINO alliance of the New Bolshevik party - the dangerous New left. The same evil forces that removed the missing Russian, christian princesses - are the same malicious evil force of tyranny that existed in 1918.

I love and appreciate all of you my subscribers and Godspeed to all of you and your families!

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