Royal and Republican Anthems of Egypt




Published on Apr 20, 2020

0:00 - Royal anthem of Egypt (1887 - 1953)
0:39 - Republican anthem of Egypt (1953 - 1958) [UAR transitional anthem]
1:14 - Republican anthem of Syria (1938 - 1958) [UAR transitional anthem]
1:59 - UAR relinquishes both anthems

The royal/republican anthem of Egypt was composed by Giuseppe Pugioli during his arrival to Egypt in 1871. Pugioli originally composed the tune as a way for the soldiers to mark time in step. One day, the Khedieve Ismail Pasha stopped by the barracks when the soldiers were practicing their marching to the beat of Pugioli's tune. The Khedive was immediately interested in the tune and asked to have it arranged for a brass band to play. It was then decided to make it the Khedivial Anthem. (This was possibly sometime shortly after Pugioli’s arrival in Egypt.)


Note: The Syrian anthem used is said to be part of the United Arab Republic transitional anthem which consisted of both the Anthem of Egypt and Syria. It is claimed that it preceded the United Arab Republic's official anthem "Walla Zaman Ya Selahy".

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the music used in this video, and the music belongs to its original owners.

إخلاء المسؤولية: أنا لا أملك الموسيقى المستخدمة في هذا الفيديو، والموسيقى ملك لأصحابها الأصليين