Russia not to make concessions on Syria to US any more


Pravda Report


Published on Sep 26, 2016

Russia won’t agree upon unilateral steps to cease fire in Syria, Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaliy Churkin claimed at an urgent meeting of the Security Council. According to him, ‘such tactical tricks cannot last endlessly. We won’t agree upon unilateral steps any more’. Churkin noted that the US ‘did nothing, even regarding definition of terror groups, there was complete wandering which hints at the main aim of maintaining combat potential of adversaries of the Syrian government, whoever they are’. Thus, return of Syria to peace has become almost impossible task. ‘Hundreds of armed groups operate’ in the country, while airstrikes against the territory are carried out by everyone who wants to, the diplomat said. Churkin called on the UN Special Envoy for Syria to restore political process, which should facilitate cease of combat acts. The US generals in their turn claimed at a meeting of the military committee, that in order to control air space, war against Russia should be declared. Generals noted that ‘for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia.’

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