National Anthem of the Italian Social Republic (1943-1945) - "Giovinezza"




Published on Mar 31, 2014

Giovinezza (Juventud) fue el himno, entre 1924 y 1943. del partido fascista de Mussolini, posteriormente utilizado junto a la Marcha Real en el Reino de Italia y oficial durante la República de Saló.

"Giovinezza" ("Youth") is the official hymn of the Italian National Fascist Party, regime, and army, and was the unofficial national anthem of Italy between 1924 and 1943.Although often sung with the official national anthem Marcia Reale, some sources consider Giovinezza to have supplanted the Royal March as the de facto national anthem (Inno della Patria) of Italy,to the dismay of Victor Emmanuel III of Italy—a powerful symbol of the diarchy between the King and Mussolini. It was subsequently the official anthem of the Italian Social Republic.
Ubiquitous in fascist Italy, the hymn emphasized youth as a theme of the fascist movement and was one example of the centrality of the Arditi (Italian World War I veterans) to the fascist narrative.

Giovinezza („Jugend", eigentlich Inno Trionfale del Partito Nazionale Fascista [PNF] - „Triumphhymne der Nationalen Faschistischen Partei") war die Hymne der faschistischen Bewegung Italiens und des faschistischen Regimes. Ab 1922, dem Jahr des „Marsches auf Rom", war sie im Anschluss an die eigentliche Nationalhymne Italiens dieser Zeit, der Marcia Reale, zu singen.