Trump Declares:Acosta & CNN insult Angel Moms as"alleged" & the President Fights Back


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Feb 15, 2019

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BREAKING:Trump Declares National Emergency: Acosta & CNN arrogance in the Rose Garden. Angel Moms are insulted and their feelings hurt by Jim Acosta & CNN - who reported on air that their children's murders at the hands of illegal immigrants were only "alleged" and not proven etc. Angel moms are bruised again by Acosta and CNN MSM in order to discredit & try to demoralize them and the President- its beyond insidious and cruel. The globalists are killers and domestic enemies and terrorists - they have zero compassion or value of human life though they are bleeding heart decorative pretenders to it.

Also, Jim Acosta argues with the Prez- Acosta attack dawg is at it again - claims the border crisis is all "manufactured" by President Trump. Disgusting, Deep State MSM Media- heartless.MSM Reporters argued with the president at the Rose Garden Q & A ...
The fact is , this President will get the WALL built and will secure the Southern border for the safety and well being of all Americans.
The Democrats gave him no choice -
Federico Cardella

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