The Metaphysics of Pure Actuality - NewRuins09


New Machine


Published on Oct 29, 2019

A NewRuins09 video on Metaphysics.

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Giovanni Gentile's concept of pure actuality (actus purus) is a rarely understood one. I've dedicated this video to explaining what it means that something is entirely, uncompromisingly act, and how this relates to potentiality, among elaborating upon many more implications of idealist ontology.

The state of actuality means one that is of movement, the realm of accomplishment, when acts have been carried out. This differs from potentiality, the state of something potentially being actual. In actual idealism, unlike metaphysical materialism, Giovanni Gentile argues that the potential to do something, since it requires thought and conception to produce, the very image of movement, is, indeed, part of the movement itself, the act in question. Like subject and object, these terms are conceptually inseparable.


What It Means That God Is Pure Act | Catholic Exchange

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The Theory of Mind as Pure Act (Giovanni Gentile)

Video is purely for educational purposes.

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