TEARS OF GAZA (preview — Links included) ~ دعايه الفلم النرويجي دموع غزه


:BananenRepublik in Deutschland


Published on Dec 10, 2010

Please watch the full movie: 80min here on YouTube (with subtitles):

Or you can still watch it with VLC Player ...see tutorial here: http://redir.ec/How2watchGazasTears-VLCplayer
Language: Arabic | Subtitle: Norsk
...the original URL is no longer available: http://www.nrk.no/nett-tv/sok/Israels+bombing+av+Gaza+vinteren+2008-09/

In a rough style, by way of unique footage, the brutal consequences of modern wars are exposed. The film also depicts the ability of women and children to handle their everyday life after a dramatic war experience. Many of them live in tents or in ruins without walls or roofs. They are all in need of money, food, water and electricity. Others have lost family members, or are left with seriously injured children. Can war solve conflicts or create peace? The film follows three children through the war and the period after the ceasefire.


The director, Vibeke Løkkeberg, about the film
Witnessing the maiming and killing of children in a war, without being able to do anything about it, is a great challenge.
The short glimpses of children's faces displayed on my TV set, after they had lived through the war, was my motivation for making Tears of Gaza. A protest against all wars grew inside me. Wars are senseless, destructive, unworthy of mankind. Wars are never a solution to bilateral problems in the long run.
In my films, I have always been concerned with the fate of the victims.
In the Gaza-Israel conflict, there are presumably two victimized parties.
A responsibility which both the USA and Europe will have to shoulder.
My hope is that this film will arouse the same feelings of protest among the audiences, and that it will bring inspiration to continue the seemingly endless struggle against poverty, suffering and war.
In the film, I quote a father who sits with his phosphorous injured child:
"What God do these people believe in, who can do this against children? And how can I gather the strength to forgive?"
This film has been a year in the making, and it's a pleasure to let its world premiere take place in Toronto.
I started my career as a documentary filmmaker. From the 1970's on, I made feature films.
In this film, I have chosen to make use of the implements of fiction, and the cinema theatre as venue. In contrast to TV, the cinema theatre provides the opportunity of absorption.
My hope is that this emotional approach will spur protest, and the desire to contribute to making a better world.
There are major obstructions inherent in the presentation. The cinema theatres constitute a fantastic arena for communication which to a great extent has been taken over by the entertainment industry. - Vibeke Løkkeberg

Vibeke Løkkeberg (b. 1945) has become one of Norway's most well-known personalities and leading feminist artists; as actor, director, screenwriter and author. She ahs directed five featues and written five novels. She has starred in her own films as well as films by Pål Løkkeberg.

...more information: http://facebook.com/GazasTarer?v=info

دموع غزّة" هو فيلم نرويجي من إخراج فيبكي لوكبيرغ والمنتجة ترجي كرستيانسن , وكما يُشير عنوانه فإن أحداث الفيلم الوثائقي تدور حول القصف الإسرائيلي الوحشي على قطاع غزّة وتأثيره على الأطفال من خلال عرض تجربة ثلاث أطفال فلسطينيين ومصيرهم بعد الحرب على غزة في 2008/2009 ، وسوف يعرض في دور السينما النرويجية 5 تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر بعد أن قوبل بالتشجيع في أحد أهم المهرجانات الدولية في العالم في مدينة تورونتو مؤخرا.

GAZAS TÅRER er en sterk kinoopplevelse som dokumenterer Israels angrep gjennom tre barns fortellinger. Gjennom barna får vi innsyn i krigens konsekvenser -- både for dem selv og deres familier. Vibeke Løkkeberg har i samarbeid med Gazas befolkning lykkes i å dokumentere de dramatiske hendelser som inntraff og den desperasjon og maktesløshet som overgrepene resulterte i. For første gang blir vi vitne til handlinger vi tidligere bare har kunnet forestille oss -- og som så ofte før, overgår virkeligheten det meste av våre forestillingsevner. Filmen inneholder unike bilder tatt av befolkningen i Gaza selv.